About Us - Learning Common
Keywords: about, learning
About Us
Our goal with the Common Social Resource blog is to assemble information online on the Common language and the New World Order that is free to everyone. Our intended audience is fellow British subjects who want to be more connected with the world outside Britain, as well as English-speaking people in the wider world who might find a way to gain access to the British internet and might benefit from objective information about the New World Order, as well as the Common language, from the free, outsider perspective of British people living outside the Order's control.
We are not affiliated in any official way with the British government or any established institution, and we post under pseudonyms to avoid any potential harassment, from either inside or outside of Britain.
This blog is not a textbook to learn Common, but we hope it may provide a valuable resource to Common learners.
Learning Common
Common is not taught in any British schools, at least not in the public system. Foreign language education focuses on European languages, like French, Spanish, German and Italian, looking towards a future when the New World Order is no more and these societies will rise again, and helping to preserve their legacy in the meantime. It is also heavily focused on languages actually spoken in Britain, like Welsh, Arabic, Bengali, Punjabi, and Hindi.
These goals are laudable, and learning such languages is a valuable exercise in terms of intellectual development and preserving culture, but it is not a practical education today. No language other than English is absolutely required to get along in Britain, and English is still one of the most useful non-Common languages to know in much of the outside world, even as first and second language use of English is in steep decline.
However, the single most useful, in fact essential, language to know in order to travel outside Britain or to understand materials from the outside world is Common. For this reason, Common is the most popular second language in Britain, and private Common classes and tutoring are in high demand. Ironically, for a Common-speaking dissident fleeing the NWO, one of the easiest ways to make a good living in Britain is to turn around and teach the hated Common language to British people. Common is also a popular language to study in University, and is an absolute requirement in some fields where studying and interpreting materials obtained from the outside world is a necessity.
In order to learn Common with the intention of speaking it in NWO territory, it is essential, in our opinion, to be taught by a fluent or preferably native speaker, and private one-on-one tutoring involving actual conversation is the best. It is also advisable to consume any Common-language literature, media and entertainment you can find. Be clear on your purpose for learning Common. What you intend to do with the language will inform your choice in learning resources and the effort you put into it.
For Travel in NWO Territory
There are many considerations that have to be successfully managed to leave Britain, travel in NWO territory, and successfully return. Many who attempt it do not return, so exploring the outside world or interacting with it in other ways is a task for the brave and well-prepared. We will not get into all of the things you have to consider when travelling, but here will focus on language acquisition.
First of all, consider where you want to travel and who you expect to interact with. Also consider whether you hope to blend in and imitate a native speaker, whether you are simply trying to disappear into the mass of people who are still only second language Common speakers, or whether you plan to be open about being British. All of these strategies have advantages and disadvantages.
If you want to be fluent and are trying to blend in in some way, pay close attention to the background and reputation of your school and instructors. Are they native speakers or second language? Can they speak good High Common, or are they less educated Low Common speakers only? What state are they from, and what is their accent like? A British instructor who learnt Common by living in NWO territory could be a good instructor, but we recommend avoiding British instructors who got their Common second-hand.
For example, if your teacher is from France but you are travelling in North America, you may pick up a French Common accent that will call attention to yourself in North America. You should plan to learn from a teacher from the same region to which you are travelling, or else have a plan for managing the fact that your non-local accent will stick out in some contexts.
Also consider whether you are going to stick to learning High Common, which will be adequate to make yourself understood in every situation and with which others will almost always be able to make themselves understood to you, or if you are going to also learn a variety of Low Common (if instruction is available). Low Common, unlike High Common, is highly variable by region, and even more than your High Common accent, can mark you with a certain geographic origin. Plus, some Low Common varieties may be a hard for speakers of other varieties to understand, and you as a non-native speaker might have a lot of trouble understanding an unfamiliar variety of Low Common.
Everyone, including the well-educated and wealthy, understand a variety of Low Common local to where they live, and routinely use it to some degree depending on the register of speech. You cannot sound like a natural Common speaker without speaking some amount of Low Common in everyday conversation. You can get by on High Common alone, but it could limit your options for getting in and out of NWO territory in one piece.
We suggest that you have a strong grounding in Common before you leave Britain. You likely cannot become perfect before you leave and you will have to learn the rest through direct contact with speakers in NWO society, but a very solid base will make that task much more surmountable. Our site focuses mainly on High Common, and while we hope it will be a valuable supplemental resource, you need much more in order to be adequately prepared.
In learning, make sure you have good vocal coaching and really work on the sounds and accent of Common. Aspects like the trilled 'r' and the language's full rhoticism (pronunciation of r's in all circumstances) can be difficult for English speakers. A good accent, however, will give you a better chance to blend in if you need to, ensure people don't have trouble understanding you (remember, English outside Britain is in decline, and the type of English formerly widespread in the NWO is quite different from ours), and prevent you from sounding like a person from the lower social orders, which will in turn earn you better treatment.
As a tip, if you can't gain access to teachers versed in the speech of the area you intend to travel to, the next best thing is to focus on the Cascadian accent, as this form is considered a very prestigious form of Common. People copy this speech in order to sound cultured and educated, so it won't seem strange to people if you seem to be trying to affect a Cascadian accent.
For Access to NWO Culture and Learning from Britain
While the New World Order may be deplorable, it is also a global civilization with an active academic life, access to all the world's resources, and access to most if not all of the world's historical records and traditional high culture going back to the ancient Mediterranean world and China. Therefore, whatever its faults and inequalities, it is still producing science and culture in a way that Britain is challenged to match. To maintain the advancement and competitiveness of British technology and culture, and ultimately Britain's security, we need access to the science and culture of NWO-ruled areas.
We have obtained that through efforts to hack into the global Internet, and from materials brought back by travellers and smugglers, which is why it is so important for British prosperity and security that brave individuals continue to risk journeys into the hostile outside world.
While automatic translation is fairly good, and some systematic efforts to translate Common materials into English exist, to gain full access to these materials and to understand them fully, there is no substitute for gaining some mastery of Common.
All written Common and most spoken media are in High Common, so for this purpose it is not necessary to focus much energy on learning any Low Common. It doesn't hurt to know some.
For this purpose, book- or computer-based learning can be perfectly adequate, although having a teacher always helps. This blog may also be more of a useful resource.
Tips for Learning Common
As noted, this site is not intended to be a textbook or learning program, but a supplement, and it is not focused exclusively on the language. We highly recommend accessing other resources if you seriously intend to learn. However, we can give you a basic idea of what it is like and some tips to help you through.
Traditionally, the first thing anyone learns in Common are the sounds of High Common and the Common alphabet. A competent teacher will teach the sound shifts (systematic allophony) of High Common right from the beginning, and a good teacher will also point out the finer details of good Common pronunciation for English speakers early on:
- Vowels are pure, except for two diphthongs, and are all supposed to be the same length.
- Except for 'aj' and 'aw' diphthongs, two vowels in a row are pronounced equal length and separately.
- Common is rhotic, an 'r' at the end of a syllable is enunciated as in Spanish, not serving to change the quality of the preceding vowel as in English, and it is always a trill.
- The letter 't' is pronounced at the teeth, as in French, not the gum ridge.
- Consonants are never aspirated (pronounced with a strong puff of air), although some accents that were influenced by languages like English may do this - it is not good Common, though.
- Common likes an 'h' sound to resolve 'collisions' of vowels rather than a stop in the back of the throat as in English, although the glottal stop may be heard in some non-standard varieties and accents.
- Wherever you see a double consonant in Common, it is actually pronounced as a double consonant, and will also be unvoiced if possible. It is important to learn how to pronounce these 'geminate' consonants, as they differentiate many words.
- Stress in Common is almost always on the first syllable, and this doesn't change in compounds. Some words do have irregular stress, which may or may not be indicated with an acute accent (can pah). English speakers expect the stress of a word to shift in a complex but systematic way when affixes are added, and may carry this tendency into Common, but it's wrong. Common stress is much more monotonous and predictable than English.
It is a good idea to get vocal coaching throughout your learning process if possible if good pronunciation is important to your learning goals.
At this point, teaching strategies may diverge, with some teachers diving in to real examples and letting the higher principles come out through learning, and other teachers starting with first principles and memorising the pronoun/article declensions and verbal auxiliary conjugations before diving into specific example. Teachers with classical Common-language educations tend to prefer the latter.
What you need to understand at the outset is that Common words fall into particular parts of speech that the language defines, that there will often be no morphological clue like endings and so on to give you a clue as to what kind of thing a word is, and that you have to memorise it as you memorise the word. These categories are 'terms' (nouns and verbs), 'modifiers' (adjectives, adverbs and prepositions), conjunctions, and determiners (article/pronouns and verbal auxiliaries). There is also a set of derivational affixes.
Within a category, zero derivation (e.g., using a term as both a noun and a verb without having to modify it in any way) is rampant and the meaning of a word depends on the context of which determiner it's associated with, but between categories there is generally a strict requirement to add derivational affixes of some kind to signal the category change, if one is even possible.
The determiner category includes a set of particles that are both pronouns and articles, that decline into four grammatical cases (this will be familiar if you studied German or Latin, although the cases of Common are strange relative to those languages) and three numbers (the numbers are singular, paucal and plural, and this will take some getting used to. The paucal is used for a few of something, or for anything counted exactly). There are six of these articles, or seven, depending on how you count (the third person pronoun/article has definite and indefinite forms), and while there is a very strong pattern, you mainly just have to memorise these.
It also includes a set of five auxiliary verbs. These conjugate for tense (past or nonpast), aspect (perfect or imperfect) and mood (realis or irrealis). These also have to be memorised.
There are many subtleties to the use of determiners, and these particles are at the very core of the functioning of the language, but to start it is just a good idea to at least memorise the paradigms. The good news it that these determiners are the only things that decline or conjugate in Common.
The 'term' category comprises both nouns and verbs. The use of a determiner is mandatory with any term, and the determiner tells you if it is supposed to be interpreted as a noun or a verb and carries all of the grammatical information about how the term is being used. This even applies to the names of people and places, and even in the first and second person - there is always an article. Fortunately, there is no grammatical gender in modern High Common.
When learning a new term, it is suggested to learn the following:
- If and how it is generally used as a noun, and if and how it is generally used as a verb.
- As a verb, which paradigm does it belong to - that tells you which of the five auxiliaries to use, and what arguments the verb expects. It also tells you what a choice to use a different auxiliary will be interpreted to mean, although often you also have to memorise idioms in this area.
- The conventional meanings of certain common derivations, such as how the ending -ys to change the term into a modifier is typically interpreted for this term.
For modifiers, you should learn how they are generally interpreted in adjectival versus adverbial contexts, and if they can take an object, and if so, what sort of object. You also need to know if they are 'tight binding' or 'loose binding', which impacts the syntax of their use. For conjunctions, you will have to know if they are 'internal' or 'edge' - this will come into play when you learn more about the language's syntax.
After these initial learning hurdles, you will spend a lot of time grasping the syntax of the language - despite elements of a sentence being able to move around quite freely, there is a lot of careful syntactic (word order) constraints to how those elements are put together. Common is a language of more small, isolated words that depend on their configuration in relation to each other for their overall meaning, like English, rather than a language that builds large, complex words, like Hungarian or Turkish, although like English there are exceptions.
Common lacks non-finite verb forms - there is no infinitive or participle. You will find yourself writing dependent clauses with finite verbs a lot where English would just use an infinitive.
You will also spend a lot of time learning how to use the noun cases. Common is what is called an 'ergative' language, which means the way it uses cases is somewhat different than Latin or German, or even the cases of English pronouns. The easiest way to wrap your head around this might be to simply memorise the cases of each actor when you learn a verb, and you will eventually get the pattern.
Generally, the ergative actor acts on something or causes something, the absolutive actor experiences something, the dative actor receives something or benefits from something or acts as a destination, and the nominative form is used to cite a noun without an accompanying verb, or as the object of a preposition (these latter two cases differ quite a bit from what you might be used to with the same cases in other languages, especially the Common 'nominative').
Once you get this much, there are other differences with English you will have to wrap your head around, but it is relatively smooth sailing. There are a few relatively frequent verbs whose pattern of actors will seem strange at first. One thing you will notice is that there is a lot you can omit in Common - the verbal auxiliary tells you what actors to expect, so any and all can be omitted and it will seem perfectly fluid and not ungrammatical or clipped. There are, however, rules and considerations for the process of omitting elements from a phrase or sentence.
One final note, there are important social elements to learning Common, especially terms of respect for addressing other people, or talking about them. It is important to learn this aspect and get it scrupulously right, or you can find yourself in real trouble. At minimum, when in doubt, load your speech with the honorific particle 'sy'.
Common is not a beautiful language, or an elegant one, or one with any kind of honourable cultural history. It is a kind of early 21st century pop culture relic that has somehow come to squat over the world's priceless inheritance of natural languages like some hulking parasite, sucking the life out of them, while spewing its excrement everywhere. However much of an obscenity the Common language may be, the light of human ingenuity and creativity burns as brightly as ever, and genuinely scientifically and artistically important work is being done in that language. Like it or not, Common is the gateway to the world. We wish you whatever pleasure or usefulness you may find in your study, and best of luck in your future endeavours with Common.