Classical Gluonic Lexeme


Keywords: animals, pets, agriculture

Pronunciation (IPA): 'ŋː 
Part of Speech: noun 
Forms: qqulio, qqilihe, qqyliy 
Glosses: golden carp 


The Q*I-LI Gluonic golden carp was brought to Alt-1136 as pets, and later in the dimensions history was also used for food. In pictures, they look much like Terrestrial carp, with a bright gold hue. No members of the species was brought to Earth-0001, or at least, if any were none survived. Modern Gluonics use the word to refer to Terrestrial carp and goldfish when speaking the Classical tongue, especially Terrestrial goldfish kept as pets.

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Number of articles: 1

Domesticated Animals

Keywords: animals, agriculture

When the early Gluonic settlers arrived in Alt-1136, they brought a huge variety of organisms with them from their original Earth. The ecosystem of Alt-1136 is not compatible with Earth life, including humans, so human habitation depended on the mysterious force of the Bubbles to maintain Earth-compatible conditions, and the introduction of an Earth ecosystem from the ground up. Interestingly, however, very few domesticated animals other than pets were apparently among those brought to Alt-1136. Although some scholars speculate that common domesticated animals may have been brought over and then died out, the mainstream view agrees with the endogenous Gluonic belief that such animals were not brought over in the first place, and this is borne out by the dearth of words for domesticated animals in the Gluonic language.