Common Lexeme


Keywords: food, paint, art

Pronunciation (IPA): smir 
Part of Speech: term verb noun 
Class: happat 
Forms: smir, smirys 
Glosses: smear, spread, grease, topping, jam, butter, margarine, dirt, soil, soiled 


The term 'smir' is thought to have been borrowed from the English 'smear' as a word meaning to spread a subtance on something, or the substance spread. Colloquially, it is used to refer to practically any thick subtance that can be spread on another.


As a noun, 'smir' usually refers to food and can refer to any substance you might spread on something else, like butter, margarine, jam, etc. It has also refer to mechanican greases in some contexts, or pigments, paints, or soils.


As a verb, 'smir' is a ditransitive happat verb meaning to spread or smear taking an ergative smearer, an absolutive substance smeared, and a dative thing smeared on to. The disintentive skurun form has a sense of making a mess with the substance without being specific about the thing messed up.


The modifier form 'smirys' can have a sense of ready, as in ready to eat, but also a sense of soiled.

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