Common Lexeme


Keywords: sexuality

Pronunciation (IPA): ' 
Part of Speech: term noun verb 
Class: pali 
Forms: porno, pornos 
Glosses: pornography, pornographic, sexy, hot, kinky 


The term 'porno' comes from the English (and other languages) 'pornography'. It was borrowed in this form likely because it's more pronounceable in Common than 'porn'. The actual point of entry into the language can't be determined, but it's one of the oldest borrowings in Common. 


In a noun context, porno means literal pornography. Pornography is a thriving industry in the New World Order, and a hair-raising variety of pornography is widely accessible and consumed, often requiring micropayments to access. This is despite the fact that it's basically impossible to do anything truly anonymously online in the Order. NWO people are generally not overly embarrassed about their predilections being known, but also, since society is pretty saturated with it, these types of private details don't draw the level of interest that they do in Britain. 


The derived form 'pornos' has a more clinical meaning of 'pornographic', but colloquially means something like 'sexy', 'hot' or 'kinky'.


In a verbal context, porno is an intransitive pali verb meaning something like 'be pornographic', or colloquially 'be sexy', 'be hot', etc. Colloquially, porno has a benefactive noxaj form which allows a person to whom the subject is hot to be added in the dative case.

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