Common Lexeme


Keywords: action, geography

Pronunciation (IPA): 'jet.ta 
Part of Speech: term verb noun 
Class: skurun 
Forms: jetta, jettas, jettahajk 
Glosses: drop, fall, dropping, falling, let go, release, cliff, ledge, slope, released 


The term 'jetta' is an Old Common word with the literal sense of dropping something. It has a somewhat intentional connotation, but 'jetta' can be accidental. Metaphorically, it can be used as a word for releasing something, similar how in English we might say that an episode of a screenshow 'dropped', but in Common it sounds perfectly formal and not casual.


As a verb, 'jetta' is a transitive skurun verb with an absolutive thing dropped and an ergative dropper. This can apply to literal dropped dropping, or as mentioned, also metaphorical dropping as in a release of something. The sense is usually intentional but may be accidental. 


As a noun, 'jetta' refers to an instance of dropping, a release, and it can also be used topologically to refer to a slope or cliff where the land falls off, or a ledge in a building. The derived form jettahajk is unambiguously a cliff or ledge.


The derived form 'jettas' has a sense like 'falling' or 'fallen', like something lying around presumed to have been dropped, but can also have a sense like 'released'

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